Friday, April 15, 2011

Assignment 8 B: Web Design

These are some screen shots of my web pages. I change the colors and made some text adjustments. I still want to add some contact info at the bottom to make it look more official. I started the process of linking them online, but then realized I didn't have the password. Hopefully I will get them up soon!

Friday, April 1, 2011

Assignment 8: 3 Page Web Design

This is my web design. I used my old logo design and played around with the color schemes. I wanted to use colors that were a little more inviting. I used the "SS" as the companies logo symbol, and then placed it in the background of the web pages. I wanted the design to be simple and really visual. I used my own photos that I took of my friend Phil (skier) and my boyfriend (snowboarder) in the design. I still want to work a lot on the layout and on the navigation bar. I would like to incorporate more elements into the design to make the site look more legitimate. I linked each page to all the pages, it is pretty cool to see them all work!

Friday, March 18, 2011

Web Design Navigation Bars

Here are some ideas for navigation bars. I wanted the colors to correspond with my logo design. I played around with rounded rectangles, bevels etc. I will probably work on this more for my final web comp. So far my favorites are the gray and the blue bars. 

Friday, March 11, 2011

Web Design Sketch

This is just a rough sketch of what I might do for a format. I want it to be simple and have a lot of pictures.

Good Web Designs

These were some web designs that I enjoyed viewing. I think that they work well for many reasons. They are simple, informative, they grab your eye with effective graphic and design principles. I think they are appropriate designs for snowboard companies, their approach to style fits their target audience, which is mainly teenage boys.

Bad Web Designs

I thought that these web designs were bad in different ways. The first one is uninformative, unbalanced, and overall shows no design sense. The second web design has some good qualities but it is too busy. There is too much going one on the welcome page, which makes it difficult to scan through the information.